Services available to Non-Governmental Organizations

In accordance with ECOSOC 1996/31, which governs the consultative arrangements between the United Nations and NGOs, accommodation may be provided for conferences or smaller meetings of NGOs with consultative status.

Premises may only be granted for activities that are in keeping with the United Nations purposes and objectives, as defined in the Charter, and are strictly non-commercial.

Meeting rooms may be requested only by President / Chief Administrative Officer of the non-governmental organizations through the NGO Liaison Office of UNOV. Upon availability, rooms may be at the disposal of NGOs for the following purposes:

  • For consultations with the Secretariat and/or Governments and/or other Non-Governmental Organizations on matters related to the concerns of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC);
  • For meetings, seminars and conferences related to the concerns of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC) and involving the participation of one or more sections of the Secretariat;
  • For meetings, seminars, conferences and consultations related to the procedures of consultative status.
  • For meetings, seminars, conferences and consultations related to the procedures of consultative status. This facility can be reserved by completing the attached meeting request form and sending it by email to the NGO Liaison Office (

Rooms cannot be made available for NGOs to:

  • Conduct their own organizational business
  • Advance its own purpose