The General Support Section (GSS) of the Division for Management of the United Nations Office at Vienna (UNOV) is responsible for the VIC Garage Administration. The VIC Garage Administration is located in C0E15. Contact details for the VIC Garage Administration is as follows:
The VIC Garage Administration is responsible for the issuance of parking stickers for cars of Permanent Missions
for the garage area of the VIC. All request should be sent directly to the VIC Garage Administration.
In accordance with article 59 (h) of the UN Headquarters Agreement of 1998, the Commissary at the Vienna International
Centre facilitates the purchase of limited quantities of certain articles for personal use or consumption by diplomatic members
of Permanent Mission accredited to and officials of the United Nations Office at Vienna, as well as the other UN entities
based at the Vienna International Center. Heads of delegations of Member States to meeting of or convened by UNOV or other
UN entities established in Vienna are also granted access to the Commissary. Access to the Commissary is is regulated by
Rule 2.01 of the “Rules Regarding the Commissary at the Vienna International Center”
The Commissary in the Vienna
International Centre is located in building F, level - 1.
The Commissary is open from 12:00 to 19:00, Monday to
Friday (excluding official holidays).
The Infrastructure Committee of the Vienna International Centre is a standing body established by the Committee on Common Services (CCS) of the Vienna-based Organizations. The Committee reviews and authorizes exhibits proposed for display in publicly accessible areas at the Vienna International Centre.
Proposals for exhibits may be submitted by: (i) a VBO, (ii) an Organization of the United Nations System; (iii) a Meber State(s) of a VBO(s). Proposals for exhibitis shall be sent to the Infrastructure Committee. The Infrastructure Committee reserves the right to reject a proposal for an exhibit in part or in its entirety.
Contact details - Infrastructure Committee:
Infrastructure Committee
c/o Staff Assistant
Office of the Chief
Security and Safety Service
Division for Management
United Nations Office at Vienna
Tel: (+43-1) 26060-3901
An advice centre of the City of Vienna is available at the VIC for staff members and their families, especially newcomers. This service is free of charge and provides a wealth of information and advise on:
The Vienna Service Office provides individual assistance in matters of everyday life, such as:
The Vienna Service Office has the following contact details: